
My Husband Was Murdered and, Now I Love Deeper Than Most

Photo of Jessica, Don, and child

Five years ago, I went through a life-altering tragedy when my husband was murdered in front of me, our 3-day-old son, and three other family members.

For a long time, the trauma left me paralyzed with depression, anxiety, and fear. For an entire year, I could barely function within society and I avoided life as much as possible. After two years, I’d fallen even deeper into a bottomless pit of despair. I battled against my grief, but somehow it still managed to control me. The second my husband died, my life became a collection of instances he was missing. He missed his son’s first steps, first Christmas, and first birthday. He missed his pre-K graduation and his fifth birthday. He will miss every moment of his son’s life. There’s no way to sugar-coat this — it’s tragic and it sucks.

Finding Friendship Amongst Tragedy

Love What Matters Essay

I have a new story up on Love What Matters. This one is a little different than usual. Instead of exploring my relationship with Justin, or Don, it explores the bond that was formed between Justin’s little Cousin, Shelby, and I. She and I went through very different, yet similar experiences after both witnessing Justin’s murder. In the end, it was the love we found in one another, amongst so much heartbreak that gave me a sister.

Read the full story below.

“I’ve always heard that some of the strongest bonds can form through tragedy. I never realized how true this statement was until I experienced it for myself. My husband Justin was killed five years ago, and not a second goes by that I’m not haunted by the circumstances that took his life. A stray bullet with a probability of one in infinity somehow managed to kill him on impact, three days after I delivered our son. I not only lost my husband of 10 years (who was also my high school sweetheart), I also had to bear witness to his death.

For the full story click here